Lumenlinear™ lighting provides ample illumination for life safety and ambiance without the glare or harshness of overhead pole lighting. The diminutive profile and variable length provide uniform runs of projected light. It achieves IES full cutoff classification when installed in our Lumenrail® Systems.
Lumenlinear is a uniform and practical solution. It is available in a range of 2700 K to 5000 K white CCTs, and available with solid color options including Wildlife Amber™. This lighting option comes in 9 standard lengths ranging from 6" to 54" for seamless light output on walking surfaces. Standard 2W, 4W or 6W per foot performance makes Lumenlinear a highly flexible specification, to enhance the ambiance of your application while providing necessary life safety.
Offering robust safety and security, our cast stainless steel mounting clip for Lumenlinear™ fixtures ensures individual fixtures are tamper-resistant while still being easily removable for easy maintenance or replacement.
This upgrade component does require field-cutting for each application. Please review the installation instructions below to learn more about properly installing, maintaining and replacing this patented product.